Motivacin de futuros militares en formacin del Ejrcito en la "ESFORSE" para aprender clases de lectura en ingls: una perspectiva de la teora del comportamiento planificado


Prospective Army Military Trainees Motivation at the "ESFORSE" toward learning English reading Classes: A Planned Behavior Theory Perspective


Motivao dos futuros militares estagirios do "ESFORSE" para a aprendizagem de aulas de leitura em ingls: uma perspectiva da teoria do comportamento planejado

Luis Germnico Calero Bonilla I     
,Silvia Nataly Bejarano Criollo II
Luis Armando Quishpe Hipo III     
,Wilson Gonzalo Rojas Yumisaca IV
























Ciencias de la Educacin

Artculo de Investigacin

* Recibido: 23 de mayo de 2023 *Aceptado: 12 de junio de 2023 * Publicado: 17 de julio de 2023


  1. Magster en Educacin Mencin Innovacin y Liderazgo Educativo, Docente de la Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas, ESPE; Ambato, Ecuador.
  2. Magster en Lingstica y Didctica de la Enseanza de idiomas extranjeros, Docente de la Escuela Superior Politcnica de Chimborazo, ESPOCH; Riobamba, Ecuador.
  3. Magster en Lingstica y Didctica de la Enseanza de Idiomas Extranjeros, Docente de la Escuela Superior Politcnica de Chimborazo, ESPOCH; Riobamba, Ecuador.
  4. Magster en la Enseanza del Idioma Ingls como Lengua Extranjera, Docente de la Escuela Superior Politcnica de Chimborazo, ESPOCH; Riobamba, Ecuador.


Esta investigacin reporta los hallazgos de la Motivacin de Futuros Militares en entrenamiento del Ejrcito en la ESFORSE hacia el aprendizaje de clases de lectura en ingls basadas en una Perspectiva de la Teora del Comportamiento Planificado del ingls en la Escuela de Entrenamiento de Soldados del Ejrcito ESFORSE. En la encuesta se indaga sobre las prcticas y procedimientos de los militares ecuatorianos, sus formas establecidas de transmitir informacin y la actitud de los militares en formacin para recibirla. Los hallazgos muestran que la doctrina militar, la falta de motivacin y el horario son los aspectos ms difciles que tiene ESFORSE, para obtener un mejor resultado en la enseanza del ingls, especialmente en la habilidad lectora.

Palabras Clave: Motivacin; Comportamiento; Militar; Enseanza; Habilidad Lectora.



This investigation reports the findings of Prospective Army Military Trainees' Motivation at the "ESFORSE" toward learning english reading Classes-based on a Planned Behavior Theory Perspective of English in the Army Soldiers Training School "ESFORSE". In the survey inquiries into the practices and procedures of the ecuadorian military, their established ways of transmitting information, and the attitude of the military trainees to receive it. The findings show that the military doctrine, lack of motivation and the schedule are the most difficult aspects that Esforse has, in order to get better result in teaching english, especially in reading skill.

Keywords: Motivation; Behavior; Military; Teaching; Reading Skill.



Esta pesquisa relata os achados da Motivao dos Futuros Militares em formao do Exrcito no ESFORSE para o aprendizado das aulas de leitura em ingls com base na Perspectiva da Teoria do Comportamento Planejado do Ingls na Escola de Formao de Soldados do Exrcito ESPORSE. A pesquisa indaga sobre as prticas e procedimentos dos militares equatorianos, suas formas estabelecidas de transmitir informaes e a atitude dos militares em treinamento para receb-las. Os achados mostram que a doutrina militar, a falta de motivao e de horrio so os aspectos mais difceis para a ESFORSE obter um melhor resultado no ensino de ingls, principalmente nas habilidades de leitura.

Palavras-chave: Motivao; Comportamento; Militares; Ensino; Capacidade de leitura.


In the military context, English as a foreign language is very important for the execution of assigned tasks or missions, been national or international; like a peace support operations or complementary operations. That is way, the military career's profile has been designed, where all of the ecuadorian military trainees from Army Soldiers training school "Vencedores del Cenepa". Must to approve 6 english levels; Taking into account first, the military doctrine, and second, the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages standards.



The military trainees from ESFORSE are between 19 - 22 years old, as a part of Military Academic Education they have to approve six levels of English in order to get the degree as a Military Science Technologists ''. It is well known that military education has a special connotation, because they have every single day physical, academic and military training. For that reason, one of the biggest problems that the institution has is the lack of motivation and bad-behavior, especially when they are learning a foreign language. That is why we decided to work in the "Theory of Planned Behavior that explains individual behavior as resulting from intentions, which in turn are influenced by attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control" (Ajzen I., 1991)


Research Purpose Statement

The purpose of this study was to examine Prospective Army Military Trainees Motivation toward learning English reading, using the planned behavior theoretical framework. Six hundred military trainees were selected in the study. Participants were divided into two groups. The first group comprised military trainees who attended courses on English B1 level, whereas the second group comprised military trainees who did not attend those courses. 

A specifically designed questionnaire was administered to assess attitudes and motivation toward learning English B1classes; Furthermore, we have to highlight some of the measures implemented to address its teaching, set an objective that serves to facilitate communication and comprehension of the foreign language, thus achieve training and fluency, at least to establish a conversation at an intermediate level.


Research Question

What is the Motivation of the Military Trainees' at the ESFORSE towards English and their learning in the English reading class?

One of the most complex skills to develop effectively in the process of teaching English is reading, especially when we have a select group of students like military guys, who tend to feel insecure about their knowledge, anxiety about making mistakes which can generate shyness, that is why I decided to research.

First, it is important to analyze the main reason to produce this kind of problems between the military trainees. Second, which are the possible solutions that we as a teacher have to apply in order to avoid the students problems? for this research it will be necessary to carry out quantitative research, where through statistical surveys we will know the percentage of students who have difficulties in reading and the reasons that they think cause them, as for the interviews will be made to the teachers to know what deficiencies they have managed to find in their students when reading.


Literature Review

Planned Behavior Theory Perspective

According to the literature review (Wayne W. LaMorte, 2022), mentioned that the theory of planned behavior is used to predict an individual's intention to engage in a behavior at a specific time and place. The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) started as the Theory of Reasoned Action in 1980 to predict an individual's intention to engage in a behavior at a specific time and place. The theory was intended to explain all behaviors over which people have the ability to exert self-control (pg. 1)

The TPB details how the influences upon an individual determine that individual's decision to follow a particular behavior. Within the TPB, the determinants of behavior are intentions to engage in that behavior and perceived behavioral control (PBC) over that behavior. Intentions represent a person's motivation. (Wayne W. LaMorte, 2022, pg. 4)

The TPB included of six concepts that collectively represent a person's actual control over the behavior.

First; Attitudes, that refers to the degree to which a person has a favorable or unfavorable evaluation of the behavior; Behavioral intention, this refers to the motivational factors that influence a given behavior; Subjective norms, are related to the belief about whether most people approve or disapprove of the behavior; Social norms, that are considered normative, or standard, in a group of people; Perceived power, contributes to a person's perceived behavioral control over each of those factors, and finally, Perceived behavioral control, which results in a person having varying perceptions of behavioral control, depending on the situation. All the aspect mentioned before are considered as a key to construct of the Theory of Planned Behavior. (Ajzen I., 1991, pg. 182)



(Sevtap Karaoglu, 2008) mentioned that motivation plays a significant role in the process of learning a language, Language teachers cannot effectively teach a language if they do not understand the relationship between motivation and its effect on language acquisition. The core of motivation is what might be called passion, which relates to a person's intrinsic goals and desires. Successful learners know their preferences, their strengths and weaknesses, and effectively utilize strengths and compensate for weaknesses. Successful language learning is linked to the learners passion. And instructors should find ways to connect to this passion (pg. 5)

Motivation fluctuates, and it is challenging to keep language learners' motivation at a high level all the time. When designing a language course, teachers must take into consideration that each learner has different interests and expectations (Benson MJ., 1991, pg. 5)


Military Motivation

It is the force that makes you keep trying when the challenges seem overwhelming or nearly impossible. It's what keeps you engaged for as long as you're needed. Military motivation kicks in when you have a mission to accomplish, duty nights, or are standing watch on very little sleep. Military motivation is special. It's special because it has to be. And it has to be because, more often than not, lives, freedoms, and security are at stake (Better Help, 2022).


Intrinsic Motivation in the Military

This motivation, states that the potential benefits of intrinsic task motivation and self-management include, at the individual level, flexibility, adaptation, responsiveness, innovation, learning, and satisfaction. These, in turn, are expected to lead to enhanced retention and readiness, at individual and unit levels. (Kenneth Thomas Erick, 2016, pg. 9)

Extrinsic Motivation

(Kendra Cherry, 2022) mentioned that extrinsic motivation is an external stimulus that a person receives when performing an action, or developing an activity. That is, any external event that produces in the individual a certain attitude and aptitude of empathy to enhance some action, in this way receives a reward for doing it. A person's external motivation to achieve a good grade will determine significant progress in learning. (pg. 7)


Extrinsic Motivation in the Military

Military leaders often use extrinsic rewards to motivate their troops. Extrinsic rewards can include weekend passes, movie or sports event tickets, or even a trip to a nearby resort. These types of motivators can be very effective, especially in the short term. However, extrinsic motivation does have a few drawbacks.

You need someone else to supply the reward.

The reward might not appeal to you at all.

You do only to the minimum required to get the reward.

Once you receive the reward, the motivation is gone (Better Help, 2022, pg. 7)


Extreme Physical Challenges

Some military jobs demand exceptional physical strength and endurance. Even if you're at a desk job, you'll be required to stay in top physical condition, because there may come a time when you're needed for something more strenuous than typing out forms.

If you're in combat, the physical strain can be extreme. You may have to keep going despite lack of adequate food, water, and rest. You may have to sustain yourself when you're injured until help can reach you. As you struggle to survive and fulfill your mission, you'll likely need more motivation than you've ever needed before (Paul T. Marston, 2019, pg. 19)


Military Attitude

It is scientifically proven that having a positive attitude is connected directly to happiness and success, your attitude affects almost all you do and how you do it. Remember, attitude affects behavior. If you have a positive attitude, odds are you will exhibit safe behavior. A negative attitude toward safety will only cause conflict, stress and, ultimately, an accident (Ron Levy, 2018, pg. 9)


Human Behavior in the Military

Human behavior forms the nucleus of military effectiveness. Humans operating in the complex military system must possess the knowledge, skills, abilities, aptitudes, and temperament to perform their roles effectively in a reliable and predictable manner, and effective military management requires understanding of how these qualities can be best provided and assessed. Scientific research in this area is critical to understanding leadership, training and other personnel issues, social interactions and organizational structures within the military (National Research Council, 2008, pg. 17)

To sum up, I could say that as military guys always have to be ready to adapt. You'll be faced with new job tasks, unfamiliar environments, new team, new living quarters, and new missions, with little choice but to adapt and survive.



According to (Tarsi K. & Tuff T, 2012) the population is described as the universe which is going to be used to carry out the study, in our case the population is (964 trainees) of the first military year 2021-2013, in a rank of 18 to 22 years old from the Army Soldiers Training School Vencedores del Cenepa.



(Columbia University, 2018) explains that simple random sampling is characterized by the fact that the probability of selection is the same for every case in the population. Moreover, is a method of selecting n units from a population of size N such that every possible sample of size and has equal chance of being drawn (pg. 17). For that reason, 60 trainees were selected to be part of this reseach, related to a planned behavior theory perspective, in the military school.





A specifically designed questionnaire was administrated to the military trainees. In a survey is the collection of information from a sample of individuals through their responses to questions". (Check J. & Schutt R. K., 2012, pg. 187) with a Likert scale questionnaire, previously validated by 3 experts, which consists of items that allows to get suitable information about how the Planned Behavior Theory Perspective helps to know the military trainees attitude, behavior and motivation when they are practicing their reading skill.




a.	Full time schedule	22
b.	Lack of motivation	16
c.	Limited use of technology	
d.	Military doctrine	14

Graphic 1: What is one of the biggest problems the institution has with military students?


Author: Researchers

Source: Survey


Analysis and interpretation: The graphic shows that 27% of the military students surveyed mentioned that Full time schedule, while 8% mentioned that Limited use of technology. That allows interpreting that one of the biggest problems that the institution has, is Full time scheduled.






a.	Environment	6
b.	Biology	12
c.	Emotion	42

Graphic 2: What behavioral motivational factors influence military student performance effort to learn English?

Author: Researchers

Source: Survey


Analysis and interpretation: The graphic shows that 70% of the military students surveyed mentioned Emotion, while 6% mentioned Environment. Which allows interpreting that Emotion is one of the factors that influence in students performance to learn English.


Graphic 3: What is the motivation of military students to learn English?





Improve english


No motivation





Author: Researchers

Source: Survey


Analysis and interpretation: The graphic shows that 83% of the military students surveyed mentioned that they need to use the uniform, while 10% mentioned that they need to improve their English language skills. This lets us know that military students need to be motivated to learn and improve their four English language skills.



Graphic 4: How often do military students practice reading with others to improve their English?

a.	Always	10
b.	Sometimes	46
c.	Never	4

Author: Researchers

Source: Survey


Analysis and interpretation: The graphic shows that 46% of the military learners surveyed mentioned that they sometimes need to practice more English Language to improve their speaking skills, while 10% mentioned that they always need to improve their English skills. This lets us know that military students should be practicing the English language as in speaking, especially to have more vocabulary knowledge and to be more fluent in speaking.


Graphic 5: What percentage of military students feel motivated to learn a foreign language?












Author: Researchers

Source: Survey


Analysis and interpretation: The graphic shows us that only 28 students surveyed out of 60, 50% feel motivated when learning a foreign language, only 6 of them mentioned being 100% motivated, a very low percentage.



a. Positive


b. Negative


c. Neutral




Graphic 6: What is the attitude of students toward learning English?

Author: Researchers

Source: Survey


Analysis and interpretation: The graphic shows us that 32 of the students surveyed, 53% considered having a positive attitude when learning the English language, while 28 of them, 47%, stated that they were neutral.


Graphic 7: Why do they have a lack of motivation and behavior when they are learning a foreign language?















Author: Researchers

Source: Survey


Analysis and interpretation: The graphic shows that 67% belong to the methodologies, on the other hand 33% were the students and finally the teachers had 0%. What allows us to interpret the lack of motivation and behavior if a foreign language is presented.









Graphic 8: Is it important to motivate military students and not just teach the language?


Author: Researchers

Source: Survey


Analysis and interpretation: The graphic shows that 97% of the military students surveyed mentioned that motivation is important and not just teaching, while 3% do not think it is so important. This allows us to interpret that student must be motivated so that in this way they can improve their studies.

Graphic 9: How much time do you spend daily to develop your reading skills?

a)	Less than 15 minutes	12
b)	30 minutes daily	8
c)	More than 1 hour	40

Author: Researchers

Source: Survey


Analysis and interpretation: The graphic shows that 50% of the military students surveyed mentioned more than 1 hour, while 13% mentioned 30 minutes daily. This allows interpreting that students dedicate more than 1 hour daily to develop reading skills.




Graphic 10: How much time would you like to invest in reinforcing the reading skill using English military apps?

30 minutes a day


15 minutes a day


5 minutes a day








Author: Researchers

Source: Survey


Analysis and interpretation: The graphic shows that 70% of the military students surveyed mentioned 30 minutes a day, while 7% mentioned 15 minutes a day. This allows students to invest 30 minutes a day in reinforcing their reading skills using an English military application.


Ethical Consideration:

The present investigation will consider the following ethical considerations:

Voluntary participation

Informed consent





Main Findings and Conclusions.

The findings show that the military doctrine, lack of motivation and the schedule are the most difficult aspects that ESFORSE has, in order to get better result in teaching english, especially in reading skill.

Using the theory of planned behaviour (TPB), It could be recognized which are the possible causes that affect the behavioural in the learning process of reading english, with the military trainees from esforse.

The findings show the percentage of students who have difficulties in the context of lack of motivation in learning a foreign language.

The results obtained from this study has clarified that motivation and attitude have great roles in raising proficiency and efficiency of the students in language learning.

Furthermore, Planned Behavior Theory Perspective help me to understand that the military trainees who display certain typical characteristics, most of them clearly associated with motivation.



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Wayne W. LaMorte. (2022). The Theory of Planned Behavior. Behavioral Change Models, 1.












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