Flipgrid: The video discussion platform to reinforce oral communication skills

Silvia Nataly Bejarano Criollo, María Yadira Cárdenas Moyano, Luis Armando Quishpe Hipo, Wilson Gonzalo Rojas Yumisaca


In language learning, oral communication skills are crucial for becoming proficient in a language. This review article aims to analyze the impact of an innovative video-based discussion platform, Flipgrid, on strengthening the oral communication skills of learners of English as a foreign language. Therefore, the study synthesizes the existing literature and examines the platform's theoretical basis, benefits, and limitations. The methodology section provides an overview of how mixed methods, qualitative, and quantitative approaches determined the effectiveness of Flipgrid in improving students' speaking skills. The results and discussion section analyzes and contextualizes previous research findings, highlighting advances and rectifying concepts about Flipgrid's impact on students' perceptions, engagement, collaboration, oral fluency, and confidence in diverse educational settings. The findings section addresses the research question and provides updated information demonstrating Flipgrid's influence on English as a second language learners' oral communication skills and improved proficiency levels. This review study implies that more research on Flipgrid is needed to understand the full potential of a video feedback feature that considers the implications for giving and receiving effective feedback and for linguistic and technological research in general.

Palabras clave

Flipgrid; oral communication skills; technology; education.

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