Finance and profitability of microenterprises in Jipijapa Cantón

Erick Geovanny Salazar Ponce, Victoria Jahaira Chevez Cevallos, Angel Ramon Cherrez Prado, Viviana Paola Castro López


Finances and profitability are indicators that show whether the company is registering profits, losses, among others; the same ones that determine the growth of microenterprises. Therefore, the objective of this research work is to "Analyze the finances and profitability of the microenterprises of the Jipijapa Canton" Through the analytical-synthetic methodology A, because the different data found in scientific journals will be analyzed, later they will be synthesized to capture relevant data. information, encourage a financial analysis and evaluate the micro-enterprises of the Jipijapa canton in relation to financing and profitability. Concluding that there is no information on the variables developed, which is an imminent concern for the continuity of these microenterprises.

Palabras clave

Indicators; Information; Deficiencies; Micro; Issues.

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