Pedagogical Approaches and Active Strategies to Teach EFL among Adult Learners at The Guillermo Mensi High School

María Belen Benavides Segovia, Angel Eduardo Carrion Espinosa


The present investigation seeks to solve educational problems around the process of teaching the English language to adults, since at this age frustration when learning a new language increases. With this, an attempt is made to overcome the traditional problems of teaching through the inclusion of techniques, tools, and methodologies. With these antecedents, the purpose of this research was to investigate the pedagogical approaches that allow the teaching of the English language through active techniques at the Guillermo Mensi High School of Cuenca city. The study was descriptive, with a mixed approach, qualitatively; a bibliographical review was used that included the review, selection, and analysis of information present in academic and scientific journals about pedagogical approaches to teaching English as well as a quantitative component in which a survey was applied to a sample of 100 students to determine the impact of the use of new teaching techniques. The results revealed that adult students show a high ability to solve problems 

It is concluded that didactic strategies based on self-learning improve dimensions such as vocabulary and grammar in students.

Palabras clave

pedagogical approaches; barriers; active techniques

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