Calibrating of concentration of the signal from pet-scan through a 3k sokoloff model

Alex Eduardo Pozo Valdiviezo


This document describes the use of nonlinear least squares and augmented Lagrangian methods to illustrate their use in calibrating the parameters of the Sokoloff 3K model to find the optimal concentration of the signal from a PET-Scan over time. As well as the description of numerical methods for EDOs such as the explicit Euler method, RK2 and RK4 to approximate the solutions of the system from the 3K Sokoloff model and the solutions of the adjoint problem associated with the augmented Lagrangian method.

Palabras clave

3K Sokoloff Model; Nonlinear least squares problem; Augmented Lagrangian Method.

Texto completo:



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Revista Científico-Académica Multidisciplinaria

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